
Posts Tagged ‘Best cookbook’



It’s odd that when I think of my mom I don’t think of her as the “Nana” she was at the end of her life, but as a vital, aggressive, and, in her own way, nurturing “Mom” of my childhood.  As I was making a waffle treat for our breakfast this cold January morning I was suddenly overtaken by nostalgia – partly because the Christmas holidays were my mom’s favorite time of the year and it was during this period that she taught me so much about baking and sharing. And partly because I still make the waffle recipe she taught me.  And partly because I have the same “sweet tooth” that she had and love a waffle oozing with maple syrup.   But mostly it is at this time of the year that I deeply miss her by my side in the kitchen.

Just when a waffle came out of the waffle iron I said to myself “I’m going to make one for mom” and so I fried up 2 eggs and placed them on top of the waffle and then drizzled it with maple syrup…..just as she liked it…..and said “Here’s to you, you are missed.”

P.S.  A version of the waffle recipe can be found in the below link entitled “Waffles for Dinner?” from January 2011.


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